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Poster Competition (Submit by March 5th)

Two separate Poster Sessions will be held during the sheduled afternoon events of the Chemical Engineers Day, i.e. Undergraduate and Graduate Sessions. Submit your abstract to one of the following divisions below:

- Biological Engineering

- Chemical and Materials

- Catalysis and Reaction Engineering

- Energy and Energy-Related Technologies


Abstract Submission Checklist:
- Title of your abstract
- Number and order of authors and collaborators
- Length of your abstract (body text 250 words)


The Organizing Committee reserves the right to reject abstracts based on, but not limited to, the following criteria:
- Abstracts do not comply with style guidelines, including excessive length (contributed abstract body text is limited to 250 words)

- Abstracts contain inappropriate content

- Abstracts fall outside of the topical scope of the meeting and the divisions listed above.


Poster Session Frequently Asked Questions:


1.  What size my poster should be?

Answer:  The live display of poster boards is normally 3 feet wide x 4 feet tall (portrait).


2.  What do I use to put my poster on the actual board?

Answer: The Department of Chemical Engineering will supply push-pins to put up your display.  You can pick up the push-pins when you enter the poster area.


3.  How do I locate the poster board I should use for my poster presentation?

Answer:  The Department of Chemical Engineering will provide you a list of presentations with the poster board number next to your board. Further, a program booklet will be provided.


4.  When should I set up my poster?

Answer:  The posters need to be set-up between 12 p.m.- 1 p.m. (see schedule).


5.  When should I take down my poster?

Answer:  Immediately upon conclusion of the session, unless otherwise stipulated.

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